
Thursday, April 7, 2011

soul food

Tonight I was happy to spend time with a dozen young, working adults who gather each week to reflect, pray and chat together.

We reflected together about "spiritual hunger and the human person". 

It was a privilege to be with the group and to consider again the gift of every human life: uniquely "in the image of God".  We do not have to create ourselves. We cannot. Every human person, from the moment of conception, is a wonder - full creation of God.

And the hunger we feel is not a design flaw in our humanity. Instead we are created with this hunger. We try to satisfy this deep yearning with anything that offers even some little promise. But this desire of the soul can only be satisfied by God.

Every human person is a desire for God. As Augustine said in the sixth century, ' you have made us for yourself O God, and our hearts are restless, until they rest in you.'

Every Thursday evening at Christ the King (6.30pm) this group of young adults meets.

For further information email them on Soulfood Christchurch

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