
Thursday, December 5, 2013

hearts for Christmas?

Registrations for the Jan 2014 Hearts Aflame gathering close in the next few days. This ten-day formation session for young (18-35 year-old) Catholics has become a significant event on the New Zealand Catholic calendar, and a positive life-changing experience for those who take part.

I was fortunate in January of this year to spend a couple of days at the gathering; well over 100 young people, and presenters, lay people, religious sisters and brothers and priests from around the world, gave ten days of their new year to focus on faith.  Unfortunately I cannot be there this year, but you might know of someone who could be there, and perhaps as a Godparent, Grandparent, parishioner or friend you could help them to get there. The cost of the event is just under $500 for everything that happens on site, and travel of course would be extra.

I note this morning that there are only three days before registrations close, but that's enough time for you to make a call to a young Catholic and ask if they would be willing to attend.

And it saves you having to go out into the Christmas rush to buy a present for them - a present that will probably not be around in a century. But their faith will be a reality in a century. It's just a matter of where...

Registrations at this link: Jan 2014 Hearts Aflame

Here's the HA 2013 promotional video:

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